There are two ways to manage your ads.txt entries with Organic Ads. We recommend using the redirect method, as it provides for the fastest management and the easiest integration, but we support the server synchronization method in case you have a complex need to automate the lines in ads.txt.
Redirect Method
This is based off of section 3.1 of the IAB Tech Lab spec for ads.txt and sets up your ads.txt file to be hosted by the Organic platform, and configures your own domain to redirect to the correct URL within Organic. This means that all changes to ads.txt, whether they are through enabling and disabling a demand partner or if you make custom entries within the Organic Ads UI, will be available immediately.
An HTTP 301, 302 or 307 redirect will all work, but we recommend using an HTTP 302 to more officially preserve your ability to bring your ads.txt entry back to your own domain.
The URL for the Organic hosted ads.txt is structured as this:
You'll need to replace the SITE_UUID_HERE part with your actual site UUID. You can obtain this from your Organic CSM.
Server Synchronization Method
The server synchronization method allows for database synchronization of two servers located on different systems. For more information on how to use this method, please contact your site admin.
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