The recipe block allows users to add recipes that contain structured data markup to provide optimized performance in Google and possible inclusion in the recipe carousel on search results pages. In order to reap the benefits of structured data and be eligible for the recipe carousel, users should fill in the required fields within the recipe block.
Required fields:
- Name (name of the recipe)
- Image (image of the finished dish)
Recommended fields:
- Author
- Published date
- Description
- Prep time/Cook time
- According to a brand’s frontend styling, Prep Time and Cook Time will either be displayed together as Cook Time, or separately as Prep Time and Cook Time.
- Keywords
- Serves (Yield)
- Category
- Cuisine
- Nutrition
- Ingredients
- Multiple ingredient lists can be added to a single recipe to describe separate components of a dish (e.g. salad and dressing; cake and frosting). Links can be added to ingredients in the content editor manually via html.
- Instructions
Multiple recipe blocks:
In accordance with Google’s structured data guidelines, it is acceptable to add multiple recipe blocks to a single article. To be eligible for markup, these recipes should be variations of a single dish, not different dishes.