From time to time, a user may accidentally publish an article prior to the intended publication date. In most cases, such an accident will be a minor inconvenience, and the user may even choose to keep the article live rather than unpublish.
In rare instances, such as embargoes or sponsored campaigns, the user will act swiftly to ensure the article is removed from on-site and off-site placements, which requires the user or their organization to have an understanding of their syndication partners.
The first thing to do in response to an accidentally published post is to revert the post to draft. This will unpublish the post while preserving the content for future publication.
Syndication Controls
In many cases, an accidentally published story will feed to syndication partners via the Syndication Controls. To learn more about feeding content to syndication partners, read Syndication Controls.
After unpublishing the post, check the Syndication Control settings at the post level to determine which syndication feeds were marked Publish, and therefore would have received a copy of this post.
If the content did feed to partners, it will need to be deleted manually from each partner dashboard. Content can be removed from syndication platforms by logging into the syndication dashboards or contacting your syndication support teams for assistance.
Apple News
Content feeds to Apple News not through the Syndication Controls but via an API. Admin users can access a list of content that has been fed to Apple News from the Organic Content dashboard by navigating to Apple News > Articles, using the menu in the left rail.
A list of articles and their Apple News statuses is available in this view. Here, articles can be deleted from Apple News as needed. Deleting content in the Apple News > Articles section will unpublish the content from the Apple News platform. It will not delete the post from Organic Content.