Categories are created, typically by a designated administrator, on the category page, which can be accessed under Posts > Categories.
Every category should have a Name, Slug, and unique Yoast meta description. Optional fields include Parent Category, Excerpt, Featured In, Explore, and More From.
By default, the name and excerpt of the category displays at the top of the page. On parent categories, a list of child categories appears. On child categories, a breadcrumb appears, which points back to the parent category, and child categories, if available. A latest feed containing a reverse chronological feed of posts appears, beneath which are links to subsequent pages within the category. The Yoast meta description is not displayed publicly but exists in the source code.
There are additional fields that, when activated, display above the Latest section:
Featured in - editorially curated list of posts from within the category
Explore - editorially curated menu of child categories and associated reverse chronological feeds
More From - editorially curated menu of categories and associated reverse chronological feeds
Organizing content
Optional fields give users the ability to add editorially curated sections to a category page. Optional fields are not enabled by default and can be activated by clicking a checkbox:
Featured In: When activating this section, users can search for and select notable stories from within the category to display first.
Explore: When activating this section, users can select child categories. This preference will generate a menu, with each child category containing a feed of reverse chronological posts.
More From: When activating this section, users can select any categories. This preference will generate a menu, with each category containing a feed of reverse chronological posts.